Through years of (my sister’s) trial and error, I’ve found the perfect health challenge! It’s a challenge that’s not a crazy-restrictive-outlandish-I-have-to-do-WHAT?? type of challenge. This is what we like to call a healthy lifestyle challenge. Because, to be honest, this challenge isn’t going to be crazy restrictive. It’s not going to starve you. It’s not going to be a mental battle to keep it going. I won’t say it’s easy (because making changes is hardly ever that way) but it’s simple. Because living a healthy lifestyle truly is simple, and we’ve got to get back to the basics people! 

Many of you have probably tried it all by this point. Keto, vegan, vegetarian, intermittent fasting, Whole30, whatever. Often, I find that when I’m trying to correct something, I look for big ways to do it. I see this in goals that people have with their health. Lots of women have goals to lose weight they’ve gained over the years because either they aren’t happy with how they look aesthetically, they aren’t happy with how they feel physically, or they aren’t happy with how they feel mentally. We all have different goals. And, by the way, no one should be shamed for their goals, we’re all just trying to be better.

This challenge is nothing flashy, nothing big. Yet, it can help you in whatever goal you have physically, mentally, or emotionally. Got plans to be better in any of those areas? Perfect. We start Monday.

To be clear, you don’t need to start this when we do. In fact, I just finished this challenge with my whole family, so I won’t technically be doing it. But, I pretty much live this challenge now… so I’m always doing it. I just won’t be keeping score for myself.

If you do decide to take on the challenge, invite your friends and family because the more the merrier. More competition, more happiness, more healthy choices! Keeping each other accountable helps a lot, and so does having a predetermined prize! The winner of my family’s challenge (ended up being my older sister— almost a perfect score!) gets to choose where we go out to dinner on our vacation in a couple months. It’s a big decision that normally takes literally hours to decide plus like 12 arguments, so this was a motivating prize for us. Make it fun! Brooklyn’s doing it with her boyfriend, sister, and brother in law. Let’s see how many people we can get to join!

No BS About It

Just download these three files and print them off. 

  1. The first file is your point tracker chart. Print this off to keep track of your points for the 8 weeks
  2. The second is your positive and negative foods list.
  3. The third is a compilation of important notes that hopefully answer all of your questions!

Good luck everyone!

Use the hashtag #nobsaboutit and tag us at so we can all motivate each other!